extends KinematicBody2D export var MAX_SPEED = 300 var movement = Vector2.ZERO #var pushing = 0 onready var animationPlayer = $AnimationPlayer func _physics_process(_delta): var input_vector = Vector2.ZERO input_vector.x = Input.get_action_strength("Right") - Input.get_action_strength("Left") input_vector.y = Input.get_action_strength("Down") - Input.get_action_strength("Up") if (input_vector.x == 1 and input_vector.y == 0): rotation_degrees = 0 animationPlayer.play("straight") elif(input_vector.x == -1 and input_vector.y == 0): rotation_degrees = 180 animationPlayer.play("straight") elif (input_vector.x == 0 and input_vector.y == 1): rotation_degrees = 90 animationPlayer.play("straight") elif(input_vector.x == 0 and input_vector.y == -1): rotation_degrees = 270 animationPlayer.play("straight") elif(input_vector.x == 1 and input_vector.y == 1): rotation_degrees = 90 animationPlayer.play("diagonal") elif (input_vector.x == 1 and input_vector.y == -1): rotation_degrees = 0 animationPlayer.play("diagonal") elif(input_vector.x == -1 and input_vector.y == 1): rotation_degrees = 180 animationPlayer.play("diagonal") elif(input_vector.x == -1 and input_vector.y == -1): rotation_degrees = 270 animationPlayer.play("diagonal") else: animationPlayer.play("stop") input_vector = input_vector.normalized() movement.x = input_vector.x * MAX_SPEED #* delta movement.y = input_vector.y * MAX_SPEED #* delta movement = move_and_slide(movement)